ERM2019 Speaker Instructions

An effective oral presentation engages the audience and uses slides to give a clear and a concise overview of the research material.

Presentation lengths

  • Keynote: 25 min for presentation + 5 min for questions

  • Talk: 20 min for presentation + 5 min for questions

  • Short talk: 10 min for presentation + 5 min for questions

  • Quickfire: 4min for presentation

The Conference room contains the following

  • Screen

  • Video projector

  • PC

    • Software on PC: PowerPoint 2016, Adobe Acrobat Reader 11

  • Mac

    • Software on Mac: Keynote 9.1

  • Audiosystem with microphones

  • Laser pointer

  • There will be a technician in the conference room to help you get set up. The technician can copy your presentation onto the available computers, or assist you in getting your own computer connected.


  • When preparing your presentation, use Helvetica or Times New Roman fonts. An unusual font may not translate to the computer used for presenting

  • Speakers should create their presentation using a 16:9 aspect ratio and select a landscape layout.

  • Test your final presentation on a separate computer to ensure that fonts are standard and that additional content, such as movies, have been embedded rather than merely linked.

  • Presenters must bring a copy of all external files in their PowerPoint presentations, including movie and sounds files (.wav, .avi, .mpg, etc.).

  • Please fill the AV form

If you upload your presentation:

  • Upload all the files (PowerPoint file, movie / video files, etc.) using the presentation upload system by Monday, September 9.

  • OR save all files associated with the presentation on a USB flash drive or an external hard drive and test your presentation with the technician before your presentation (see timeslots)

If you use your own laptop, review the following:

  • We will provide the following cables, Mini Display Port, HDMI and USB-C for connecting your laptop to our equipment. If your laptop requires a different connector, you will be responsible for providing a suitable HDMI adapter.

  • Ensure that you know how to use an external monitor/projector with your laptop.

  • The laptop output resolution should be set to 1920x1080.

  • The most recent version/update of drivers must be installed on the device used.